Did you know? 44% of the American workforce makes less than $20 an hour and are living paycheck to paycheck. Much of that hourly wage employee sector is considered essential workforce to keep our economy humming, as evident in the pandemic triggered shut down and in the current supply chain crisis.

For this Compassionate Capitalist Show, Karen Rands is joined by Sabina Bhatia, Chief Customer Officer at PayActiv, to talk about the impact ‘financial insecurity and well being’ of hourly wage workers have on the profitability and scalability of businesses.
Earned Wage Access is rapidly becoming the #1 way for companies to attract and retain their non-salary employees. Understanding HOW high turnover and job vacancies, and how distracted and anxious employees effect quality control and customer experience, is critical for both founders and investors. The soft dollar impact on the financial performance of a company and stagnation of a company to reach their growth targets directly correlates to the ROI of an investment.

With great passion and focus, Sabina Bhatia has been instrumental in building the financial category of Earned Wage Access from infancy to mainstream adoption as the most important employee wellness benefit of 2022. As a Chief Customer Officer at Payactiv, she acts as a daily advocate and amplifier for the needs of thousands of corporate clients and millions of lower-income workers. More info at http://payactiv.com

Watch this episode on Youtube: https://youtu.be/03AYl5lLARs

Karen Rands, is the leader of the Compassionate Capitalist Movement and author of the best selling financial investment primer: Inside Secrets to Angel Investing:  Step-by-Step Strategies to Leverage Private Equity Investment for Passive Wealth Creation.
Did you know that the ‘idea of’ and the ‘how to’ create wealth as accredited angel investors by investing in entrepreneurs and owning a piece of multiple private companies was a secret for non-millionaires for over 90 years.  Karen is an authority on creating wealth through investing and building successful businesses that can scale and exit rich.   This podcast is the infomercial for the idea of angel / crowdfund investors as Compassionate Capitalists.
The Compassionate Capitalist Wealth Maximizer System is now available for those investors that want to learn how to invest in entrepreneurs as an asset class like real estate or the stock market. Visit http://Kugarand.com to get your free gift: 12 Inside Secrets to Innovation and Wealth and join the email wait list for the next Free Intro – Wealth Mastery Immersion Challenge
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